A welcome from the Headmaster
At Naima JPS we offer a warm, nurturing atmosphere that develops self confidence in our children, prepares them for the challenges ahead whilst never forgetting that childhood is a stage of life rather than a waiting room for adulthood.

There is a temptation to hurry children through their formative years. Here we respect their individuality, know and love each child and enable them to reach their potential in a happy, relaxed yet purposeful environment. Our 'Things to do' programme gives children of all ages opportunities to just be innocent children, and have fun, whilst learning new things for the first time. It gives Parents ideas of what to do with their children; seeing them grow, seeing them learn is perhaps the best thing you will ever do!
In adult life these memories will be long lasting and authentic, as opposed to much of today's world which is sadly short term and trivial.
Our curriculum offers the balance of an enriched secular education and a most comprehensive and fulfilling Jewish Studies programme of learning. The parents are extremely supportive of the school and this vital partnership is most important to the success of the child.
I look forward to meeting you and having the opportunity to show you the school so that you can experience the warmth, friendliness and happiness of our pupils and staff.
Mr. Bill Pratt
naima jewish
preparatory school'SJourney
It was in 1664, shortly after Jews resettled in England, that the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation opened its first school, called Shaare Tikvah - Gates of Hope.

They opened a school even before building their synagogue in Bevis Marks in 1701, thereby showing their priorities - a community needs a school more than it needs a Synagogue.
Sadly this and other Sephardi schools had all closed by the early 20th century.
In 1983 my community opened the Naima Jewish Preparatory School to educate children in the West End of London.
The school follows the ethos of our ancestors during the Golden Age of the Jews in Spain, a time of tolerance during which they managed to synthesise their religious beliefs with secular culture.
Much emphasis is placed on Yirat Shamayim and Ahavat Hashem so that the children are constantly aware of the presence of God in their daily lives. When this is instilled in a child's mind, everything else, including Jewish learning, can flourish.
Rabbi Dr Abraham Levy OBE Z'L | Honorary Principal of Naima JPS
1939 - 2022
Jews came to England at the time of Oliver Cromwell -
Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation opened its first school, Shaare Tikvah - Gates of Hope -
Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation built the historic Bevis Marks Synagogue
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