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Naima Jewish Prep

Rabbi Dr Abraham Levy OBE
Honorary Principal of Naima JPS

Welcome from the
Honorary Principal

It was in 1664, shortly after Jews resettled in England, that the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation opened its first school, called Shaare Tikvah - Gates of Hope.

They opened a school even before building their synagogue in Bevis Marks in 1701, thereby showing their priorities - a community needs a school more than it needs a Synagogue. Sadly this and other Sephardi schools had all closed by the early 20th century.

In 1983 my community opened the Naima Jewish Preparatory School to educate children in the West End of London

To view a virtual tour of the school click here. 

Read full message
  •  "The quality of pupils' academic and other achievements is excellent; the quality of pupils' personal development is excellent."
  • "Pupils of all ages display a quiet confidence underpinned by a strong respect for their Jewish faith and their adherence to the core principles upon which the school was founded."
  • "Pupils across the whole school make excellent progress from their starting points, including those with EAL (English as an Additional Language) and SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), due to the highly efficient systems for tracking pupil progress and subsequent rigorous analysis to determine appropriate levels of support and intervention."
  • "Those identified as the most able in the school's population make progress beyond age-related expectations."


Learn More ISI Inspection Report 2018 ISI Inspection Report 2015

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