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Naima Jewish Preparatory School

British Values

Naima JPS is proud to uphold and teach our children about British values, which comprise: 

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • mutual respect
  • individual liberty
  • tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
  • tolerance of those without faith

Through our PSHEE curriculum and our SMSC calendar, we aim to provide our children with an understanding and an appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped the Britain in which they live.

British values are actively promoted through assemblies and tefillah, and by making cross-curricular links where possible. Our children are taught to value, respect and understand different cultures and religions, while being encouraged to explore and understand their own Jewish heritage as well as what it means to be British.

How British Values are taught at Naima JPS

The image below provides more information on how British Values are taught at Naima JPS. Click on the image to view.

british values at njps.pdf
